TSF | “A New Genesis”

Welcome to the new collaborative website sponsored by The SHIFT Foundation non-profit organization, here on anewgenesis.org. We are improving the functions of our old site by integrating a new faster build & a new social media platform using the latest blockchain data protected technology!
Some of the links from theshiftfoundation.org redirect to anewgenesis.org —based on the nature of the project , community or joint venture with various organizations, groups and facilitators.
We also work with various non-profit and for-profit organizations.
Please bear with us on some our ‘new construction’ bumps and any broken links! Feel free to drop us a line with a typo or dead URL!

What we are up to!
- Creating a new community driven initiative to stay connected in one place, and moving away from Facebook, Instagram, etc.
- Bringing together Local-Regional-Global connections!
- Group Interests-We do so many things and keeping everyone who wants to stay connected for specific reasons is a good way to do it! You found “your tribe” now find your group(s)!
- Calendars! Time is precious… spending some of it with the right people should be easier! Find your events on the new website, on the PRN-Parallel Reality Network (on MeWe), and yes, you can still find us on FB..!
- Offerings: Creating an online store & school! ……