We are dedicated To the universal need for connection & Healing

Founders of The Shift Foundation, Russell Ohlhausen & Shannon Gill are also involved in projects nationally and internationally, lecturing and teaching on various aspects of the global transformation.

A Little history:

Over 18 Years of Organized Non-Profit Service

Most everyone involved with The SHIFT has been participating in volunteer service work for the majority of our lives. The founders began officially organizing volunteers and assisting other service organizations almost 2 decades ago. We are all dedicated to this path.

  • Founded in 2005 as a Texas non-profit
  • Formed in Colorado as The Shift online entity in 2008
  • Merged in 2017 as The SHIFT Foundation, 501.C.3 compliant
Meet the Founders

Shannon Gill & Russ von Ohlhausen

Meet Shannon & Russ, the founders of The SHIFT. They met and merged their lives & their works together – along with the two entities they had already created, into one organization to oversee many teaching and volunteer efforts. Much has been accomplished since…


…in 2008 secured the online container for the organization that we have today.

…created the “Foundation for Spiritual Advancement“, TX-non-profit in 2005… Which in

The SHIFT Foundation, a Texas non-profit orgnazation was birthed from these two seeds…

meet Some of our Key team

Here are just a few of our volunteer team members who have dedicated numerous heartfelt hours to helping the cause of newly emerging consciousness on the planet!

Sujata Redden

Project Coordinator

Sujata is a key community builder and founder in her own right! She is the both the force and the salve for w

Marylin Levin


Everything she touches springs vitality! Marylin, the bringer of play and joy, her spirit is part of our cause.

Sati Cabral


Sati is the essence of strength and grace, a community pillar and a representative of values the world deeply needs right now .

Sara Evans


Sara holds one container after another for others to be raised and do the transformative work they’re here to do.

our mission

Purpose Of The SHIFT Foundation

Originally founded in 2005 as an alternative spiritual development & non-profit charitable organization, “The Foundation for Spiritual Advancement”, we have since gone through a number of incarnations. In 2008 the concept for “The Shift Foundation” was created. In 2016, we decided to re-vamp the non-profit association with an emphasis on spiritual engagement and a more participatory role with teachings, offerings, ceremonies & the ritual experience.

We are involved with lectures, classes, workshops and counseling – publicly, privately and online.

Our current directors are:

Shannon Lei Gill, Russell von Ohlhausen & Sarah Buss

— Our Mission​

To share what we have and what we have learned with others as we move faster towards the “Shift” of human awareness. Moving from a focus on the big “I” of self, to the little “i” with the Self.

— Our Vision

Our vision may be sometimes limited and may not be always 20/20 but we see everything as Illuminated from within! We work with what we have and how we find things to be. And we strive to leave it better than we found it. That is our vision.

— Our Story

We realize we are each being initiated from our personal story, into a higher understanding of the Cosmic Story. We enjoy our story – but let’s leave ‘our stories’ it at the gate! 

More About The Mission


The mission statement of the Foundation from the Articles of Incorporation filed in the State of Texas originally in November of 2005 & again in November of 2017.

Article III

The corporation is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or any section that may correspond in the future tax code.

The purpose of this corporation is to serve as an instrument for the spiritual wellbeing and advancement, through education and guidance, to recognize and reintegrate the principles of gender roles in all aspects of social structure, religion, spiritual practice and our collective relationship to the Earth; and to positively impact and further knowledge, attitudes and beliefs concerning the importance of the integration of the feminine principle within the collective consciousness. 

A primary purpose for the organization will be to serve the greater good, to develop programs, and to disseminate information concerning the public spiritual welfare. This is to be to done with no one direct religious or political affiliation. The organization will be focused on the well-being of communities and individuals based on need and drawing from a multitude of practices from faiths at large. The primary focus of the foundation is to advance the spiritual connection within individuals, communities and society as a whole through awareness projects, seminars, lectures, outreach programs, and community gatherings.

The organization is set forth to support a spiritual undertaking; support a regular periodic spiritual practice; receive, maintain, use, and apply funds for spiritual or related purposes; and to assist in defining a new wholistic direction and assimilation of spirituality, religion and religious structure in order to assist in the positive evolutionary momentum for humanity and the Earth.

We are Also the Official Sponsor Of the Wimberley Valley Esoteric Society

*The Shift Foundation is a non-profit organization formed in the State of Texas and is not directly affiliated with The Shift Network, Inc. Though like a number organizations there is similar focus on raising consciousness through lectures, courses and ceremonial gatherings. The Shift Foundation’s mission is primarily rooted in the merger of ancient teachings and modern techniques to offer a ‘new’ alternative spiritual science.